God will give you victory over sin.
Be it drugs, alcahol, sex sins or whatever. Night cluds and sleeping around will never bring you true happieness. The things of this world will never bring you true happieness, true happieness comes from God. The happieness that this world offers is here just for a moment then it is gone. True faith in Jesus Christ will bring everlasting happieness.
Sex will not give you happieness. Drugs will not give you happieness. Night clubs will not give you happieness. You can be C of E or CATHOLIC or whatever but if you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour if you don't have a relationship with Jesus then you are on your way to HELL. If you want to sit at the mercy seat of God then you have to have a relationship with Jesus you can not make Heaven any other way.
There is salvation at the cross, There is healing at the whipping post. God,s word says: By his stripes we are healed.Isaiah 53 v 5, JOHN 3 V 16: ROMANS 3 V 23: ROMANS 6 V 23: ROMANS 8 V 12: There is more to life than getting out off bed in the morning going to work,eating,paying bills, sex,drugs,drinking alchol dancing around on a dance floor,and sleeping.
Night clubs are full of jigalows and harlots looking for one thing a good time "SEX".There is no happieness in a pint glass,spliff or suringe. Jesus wants you to have true happieness thats why he gave his life for us. There are many messed up people out there they even try to find happieness in gamberling on slot machines. There are people out there that will go from one person to the next looking for true happieness.Their marrage has broken down, they have lost their job, they have lost family members and turned inwards.
Life may seem like a rat race same thing day after day, i ask you this why not try Jesus a chance and see what he can do for you. You have eternal life in Jesus to gain without him you have Hell. So you choose this day who you will follow.