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Shalom International Christian Centre is an evangelistic ministry with a vision to reach people and change lives around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through crusades here in the UK and abroad,and not forgetting our internet ministry on Paltalk.   

Every outreach crusade of Shalom International is made possible through the generosity of our wonderful Covenant Partners that faithfully pray and financially support the work God that has called us to accomplish. Together, we can reach people and change lives in every country around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  •   If you would like to help us fulfill our vision, you may do so by sending a cheque or postal order to the offices of Shalom International Christian Centre at the following address.


You may phone the office on +44(0)1304-216130 / 07876010382.

Greetings in Christ, It is such a privilege to be able to come and address you here today. I want to let you know that everyday you are prayed for; regardless of if you send me prayer requests or not. I pray daily that the Lord would minister to you and that you would continue to grow in His grace and power. There are some specific things today I would like to draw your attention to. While I am talking about prayer I would sincerely like for you to pray for this ministry. Some of you may know that quite recently there have been some major changes in my life. One of these changes is that now we have started a church here in Dover,. We have taken a large step of faith as the Lord has called us to reach out to the city of Dover and build a church that is solid theologically as well as one that genuinely cares for the people living in the town of Dover. I will be elaborating more on what this all means in future messages to you. To be specific, we would like your prayers on the growth and maturity of this ministry. Pray for us as we minister here in Dover, online and worldwide. Now more than ever we need your support through prayers and finances. We are not asking for your money for our own gain, we are asking for it for the sake of the advancement of the Kingdom of God. What is most important to us is that you pray for us! You may desire to help support this ministry in the work of advancing the Kingdom. We understand that from time to time finances can get tight, and we would like you to know that we would rather have your prayers than see you out of your home or not be able to feed your family. . The Lord has called me to take a huge step of faith. I am stepping out in obedience to Christ trusting Him to provide for all of our needs. God has called me to preach His Word and shepherd His flock. What I’m saying essentially is: if you call, Shalom International Christian Centre your spiritual home be it on line in paltalk or at church itself we encourage giving cheerfully and sacrificially of our finances as a part of worship. A believer labors not to accrue personal wealth or possessions, but to steward God's resources well and model Jesus to brothers, sisters, and his or her community. If you're a Christian outside of our region who uses the paltalk website regularly for personal growth and/or evangelism, and you feel compelled to give above and beyond the primary giving to your local Christian congregation and mission, we (don't expect but do) appreciate your contribution you can send your donations. To our office address: SHALOM INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTRE 2, Leyburne Road, Dover Kent, CT16 1SN.England I want to thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart for your prayers and support of this ministry. May the Lord richly bless you and shine His face upon you. In Christ Alone, Pastor Gary Clark.